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Tips on Selecting a Lawn Fertilizer & Weed Control Program

By February 22, 2021One Comment

At Earth Smart Property Solutions we offer three Lawn Fertilizer & Weed Control Programs – Emerald, Sapphire and Jade Program. Learn more in our blog.

If you aren’t sure which fertilizer and weed control program would work best for you, then here are some tips depending on the existing condition of your lawn and what you would like your lawn to look like:

If your lawn has lots of broadleaf weeds …

If your lawn has lots of weeds, then in order to take control of the weeds, we recommend our Emerald Program with 5 applications.

If you are budget conscious …

Then book our Jade Program which provides the best bang for your buck with 3 applications.

If you have never tried a program like this before …

Then book our Jade Program to try it out.

If your lawn is compacted and has lots of weeds …

Then book the Emerald Program which includes 5 applications plus a core aeration in the spring or fall (your choice).

We space our applications 6 weeks apart with our first application being in the spring (after the snow has melted) and the last application in mid to late fall, so you receive all of the benefits of spring and fall weed control applications.

Not sure if your lawn is compacted? Here are some signs which indicate compaction:

  • Water pools on your lawn after watering or after a heavy rain. When soil is compacted water has a hard time soaking into the ground and instead pools.
  • Your lawn is brown. When soil is compacted water has a hard time soaking into the ground to reach the roots, your grass doesn’t get enough water and turns brown.
  • Your lawn feels spongy.
  • Your lawn has thick thatch.
  • Your lawn has areas where the grass is thin, grows poorly or even bare soil.
  • The ground is so hard that you have a difficult time digging into the soil with a shovel.
  • If you have trees around compacted soil, you may find that they are in poor health.

Learn more in our blog “Signs Your Lawn May Need Aerating”.

Keep in Mind

An important thing to keep in mind is that not all lawns are created equal – some may need additional love, including overseeding, aeration or topdressing to name a few. Once you get your lawn looking great and to the “maintenance stage”, you’ll likely be able to kick it back a little with lawn fertilizer and weed control.

Our goal is not only to get our homeowner’s lawns to peak condition, but also to keep them there with ongoing customer support, information and tips throughout your year of services. Learn more about “Our Customer Service Promise” here.

Still not sure which program would be best for you? Then contact our Team of experienced professionals in Calgary or Red Deer and they will definitely be able to help you.