Earth Smart Property Solutions offers a variety of commercial and industrial weed and vegetation control services.
Weeds are not only an eye sore, but they can affect safety on job sites.
The benefits of a carefully devised and executed Vegetation Management Program include:
1. Cost:
- Spraying is likely the cheapest form of vegetation control. If the program is followed, repeat applications are reduced and overall site maintenance is much lower in the long term.
2. Effective:
- Herbicides are a highly effective, safe and cost effective vegetation management tool.
3. Control Noxious Weeds:
- With a well devised vegetation management program, we can help control noxious and prohibited noxious weeds under the Alberta Weed Control Act and help prevent the spread to public or neighbouring properties.
4. Safety:
- A clean site improves visibility, reduces fire risk, mitigates unwanted weeds and growth plus reduces fire hazards for overgrown sites.
5. Appearance:
- A well-kept property is visually appealing and can increase property values. It also conveys a sense of pride, care and “professionalism” both to the general public and to your customers.
We offer a variety of Vegetation Management Services:
Broadleaf Weed Control:
Non-residual, selective herbicide. Controls hard to kill weeds in turf including dandelions, clover, chickweed, thistle, ivy and more. We recommend 2 to 3 treatments per year.
Non-Selective Non-Residual Weed Control:
A broad spectrum weed control herbicide ideal for any unwanted vegetation including broadleaf weeds and grasses. We recommend 1 to 2 treatments per year.
Noxious Weed Treatment:
A residual, selective, broadleaf herbicide targeting weeds, brush and trees with no harm to grass. Attaches to organic material in the surface soil layers, reducing surface water runoff, wind erosion or leaching into ground water tables. Requires one treatment per year.
Non-Selective Residual Weed Control:
A pre and post emergent herbicide designed for season long control of most weeds and grassy weeds. It binds to soil to resist leaching or lateral ground movement. Requires one treatment per year.
We offer these services in Calgary, Red Deer and in select areas across Alberta. Please contact us to learn more or for a quote.
Following are some photos from a client whom we provide Vegetation Management Services for:
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