As winter settles in, snow removal isn’t just a matter of convenience—it’s often a legal obligation. If you live in Red Deer, Sylvan Lake, Blackfalds or Penhold, here’s what you need to know about local snow removal bylaws to stay compliant and keep your neighborhood safe.
1. Red Deer
In Red Deer, the responsibility to clear sidewalks is shared between The City, Public and Catholic Schools, businesses and residents. Check whose responsibility to clear which sidewalks are by viewing the Snow and Ice Control Sidewalk and Trail Clearing Map (pdf).
Property owners are required to clear the sidewalks adjacent to their property within 48 hours of snowfall or when ice forms. Failure to do so could result in a fine and a City crew being dispatched to clear the sidewalk at the owner’s expense.
Fines are $35 plus potentially the cost of The City crew dispatched to clear the sidewalk. For an average-sized residential sidewalk, this could exceed $100.
For more information, visit the The City of Red Deer Snow and Ice Control Program and The City of Calgary Trails, Sidewalks & Transit Stops
2. Sylvan Lake
Sylvan Lakes’ Community Standards Bylaw, section 37 to 39, states:
“37. An owner or occupier of Property in the Town shall reasonably maintain any Sidewalk adjacent to that Property and remove and clear away all snow, ice, dirt and all other Obstructions within 48 hours of the time that such snow, ice, dirt or other obstruction was deposited thereon.”
“38. The Town may after the expiration of the 48 hours aforesaid, remove and clean away all snow, dirt and all other obstructions, as defined in this Bylaw, required to be removed by Section 37 and charge the expenses thereof to the owner or occupier. In the event of non-payment of the expenses, such expenses shall be charged against the property as a special assessment to be recovered in like manner as other taxes.”
“39. For the purpose of Section 37, snow, dirt and other obstructions will be considered reasonably removed and cleared when the sidewalk is cleaned for the entire width of the sidewalk to the sidewalk surface as completely as reasonably possible.”
Source: Town of Sylvan Lake, Bylaws and Policies, Community Standards Bylaw
3. Blackfalds
The Town of Blackfalds enforces a 48-hour window for residents to remove snow and ice from public sidewalks adjoining their property, “Keep sidewalks clear of ice and snow within 48 hours of snowfall.”
More details about Blackfalds’ snow removal regulations can be found on The Town of Blackfald’s website.
4. Penhold
The Town of Penhold’s Community Standards Bylaw, gives residents 72 hours to remove and clear away all snow, ice and/or slush:
Source: The Town of Penhold, Community Standards Bylaw
Why Comply with Snow Removal Bylaws?
Clearing snow and ice from sidewalks:
- Prevents injuries: Slips and falls on icy sidewalks are a common winter hazard.
- Avoids penalties: Failing to comply with bylaws can lead to fines or additional costs.
- Supports community safety: Clear sidewalks improve accessibility for everyone, including children, seniors, and people with mobility challenges.
Stay informed about your municipality’s requirements to ensure your property stays compliant and your neighbors safe throughout the winter season.
Need professional help with snow clearing? Our team offers reliable snow removal services in Red Deer, Sylvan Lake, Blackfalds, Penhold, and Springbrook.
We offer monthly winter programs which include:
- Unlimited site visits after each snowfall (maximum of once per day).
- Snow clearing within 24 hours of a snowfall.
Plus we offer plowing, one-time services (such as snow removal while you are on vacation) and emergency services. Learn more about our snow removal services here.
Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your service!
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